Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Twilight is EVERYWHERE!

So, I've been trying to read other books again after reading the Twilight Saga 8 times since last July. The word "twilight" always jumps out at me. So, I've decided to keep track of how many times the word "twilight" appears in other books. I'm starting with "The Magician and Mrs. Quent." So far, the tally is 5 times and I'm only up to page 80. I've noticed it in other books before this, but thought it would be silly to do this. Well, I'm silly, so bear with me and maybe see how many times you spot it in your literary adventures.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Twilight Fans Rock!

So yeah, our guy Rob, our girl Kristen and the whole cast of Twilight killed it last night at the MTV movie awards. How awesome were Rob & Kristen? They both showed their great senses of humor. Rob was modest as usual and so witty. SO GORGEOUS!!!
That almost kiss - genius. Rob was so funny as he stood there while Kristen did the "thank you." SOOOOO beatiful.
The fans really made it happen. Now, let's be honest - we know the MTV ma's don't stack up to the Oscars and all, although sometimes, it feels as if the Oscars are just as much a popularity contest, however, it is a true awards show because the fans vote and support their fave. I mean, without fans to enjoy their work, well, then what's the point? We made our voices heard and let the world know how much we love Twilight. Haters can diss us and Twilight all they want, but it doesn't matter. We are addicted, obsessed, completely, irrevocably in love, whatever you want to call this...and I will fly my Twigeek flag proudly.
Now...how many sites can I find that will post the pics from last night?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Food Stealing Bitches!!!

I know this isn't Twilight related but, if you're initials aren't on it, why are you taking my food?????? So I was all ready to dig into my Greek yogurt and it was not in the fridge. Maybe I should have left it in the bag instead. Maybe I should have made a frickin' p-touch label for it. I'm gonna do that from now on. I am steamed because it isn't the first time. I'm gonna make my own yogurt from now on.

Hmmmm.......what would Edward do? Break a neck? Have them arrested for their nefarious misdeeds? or break a neck?

Friday, May 22, 2009

I am such a stalker!

Are you the one in your group that has been named the Twilight Encyclopedia? Or Twilopedia? That's what my friend called me after giving her some scoop on Rob's upcoming projects. I was the first to let them know that New Moon would be at Comic-Con. (Yes, I'm going!!!) If any of my friends need Twilight scoop, I'm ready for them. Because instead of doing my work, I spend time stalking the interwebs for any and all news that involves Twilight and it's illustrious cast.

I just need an outlet for my addiction and instead of just commenting on other blogs, I thought I'd start one myself. I hope you guys like it.